Road safety around roadwork sites on motorways.

Bakaba, J.E. & Ortlepp, J. (Eds.)

Roadwork sites on motorways do more than just interrupt the flow of traffic. Although driving speeds at roadwork sites are lower than elsewhere on motorways due to the characteristics of the road layout at roadwork sites and the speed limits that are necessitated, they are often associated with more accidents - and in some cases with more serious accidents. The UDV (German Insurers Accident Research) therefore commissioned Technische Universität Dresden to carry out a study to investigate where and why there are safety shortcomings in the vicinity of roadwork sites and how safety can be improved there. The study consisted of an analysis of the statistics in the vicinity of all roadwork sites on German motorways (autobahns), an analysis of the accidents at 76 selected roadwork sites and a retrospective analysis of 12 completed motorway roadwork sites with a total length of 68 km that continued for a period of at least 12 months. In addition, a detailed analysis was carried out of eight existing roadwork sites with a total length of 57 km, involving the analysis of the driving behaviour of car and truck drivers throughout the length of the roadwork sites and/or in characteristic areas in or near them. This compact accident research report summarizes the findings of this study. You can obtain more detailed information from research report VI 04, entitled "Untersuchung der Verkehrssicherheit im Bereich von Baustellen auf Bundesautobahnen" (Study of Road Safety Around Roadwork Sites on Motorways in Germany). You can download this report free of charge at (Author/publisher)

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20170491 ST [electronic version only]

Berlin, German Insurance Association (Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft GDV), 2013, 21 p., 9 ref.; Compact accident research ; No. 22

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