Road safety audit + checklists.

Morgan, R. Epstein, J. & Drummond, A.

This guide, completely revised from the 1994 first edition, provides a comprehensive introduction to the road safety audit process. Easy to read and implement, the guide is suitable for use by any person with a responsibility for, or an interest in, road safety. Designed for use by road safety and traffic engineers, police, academics, local, provincial, state and national government officers, project managers, students, researchers, consultants and many others, the guide provides both a comprehensive overview to, and application of, the road safety audit process. Clear details of the audit process are provided, together with a number of real audit case studies. The guide includes chapters on legal liability, costs and benefits, the audit process, safety principles and technical issues which need to be considered in road safety engineering. The guide includes updated checklists for use in assessing road designs and inspecting project sites at the different stages of a project's development. These checklists are fully detailed and provided separately on loose-leaf sheets for ready copying and use in the field. (Author/publisher)

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C 22683 a+b /20 /82 / ITRD E206095

Haymarket, NSW, AUSTROADS, 2002, 135 p. + checklists, 36 ref.; second edition; AP-G30/02 - ISBN 0-85588-589-0

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