Road safety : the Australian experience.

Makeham, P.M. & Jiggins, S.G.

A paper was presented at the last Road Safety Seminar in 1984, which provided an historical perspective on the development of road safety policies in Australia. Rather than revisit this ground, the emphasis in this paper will be on future directions. The outcomes from the Australian National Road Safety Symposium held in 1984 will be examined: developments since 1984 will be reviewed, and implications for Australian road safety policies for the 1990's and beyond will be outlined. Comments in each section will be structured around the traditional road safety paradigm of roads/vehicles/road users. (Author/publisher)

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C 22742 (In: C 22737) [electronic version only]

In: Invited speakers papers presented at the Road Traffic Safety seminar 1988, Wellington, New Zealand, 14-16 september 1988, p. 86-100, 14 ref.

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