Road Safety Data, Collection, Transfer and Analysis DaCoTa. Factsheet Traffic safety basic facts 2010 : the elderly (aged >64).

Broughton, J. Knowles, J. Kirk, A. Yannis, G. Evgenikos, P. Argyropoulou, E. Papantoniou, P. Brandstaetter, C. Candappa, N. Christoph, M. Vis, M. Pace, J.-F. López de Cozar, E. Pérez-Fuster, P. Sanmartín, J. Haddak, M. & Moutengou, E.

Due to their greater frailty, the elderly are more likely to be seriously injured in any given accident than younger people. In 2008, 7.486 elderly people were killed in road traffic accidents in the 23 Member States for which CARE are available. This constitutes 20,1% of fatalities of all ages in 2008. Table 1 presents the annual data by country from 1999, with the totals for the 19 countries with CARE data available for most of the decade. This total is presented in Figure 1, it fell by 23% between 1999 and 2008. (Author/publisher)


20122420 ST [electronic version only]

Brussels, European Commission, Directorate General for Mobility and Transport, 2010, 16 p.; Grant Agreement Number TREN/FP7/TR/233659 /"DaCoTA"


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