Road Safety Data, Collection, Transfer and Analysis DaCoTa. Workpackage 2, Developing a Pan-European In-depth Accident Investigation Network: Deliverable 2.2: Specification of data system.

Giustiniani, G. Carroccia, R. & Robibaro, M.

The main aims of DaCoTA WP2 is to set up a Pan-European In-depth Accident Investigation Network and to provide the investigation teams of the network with common methodology and tools for carrying out in-depth investigations at a national level. One of the tools that should be provided to the teams of the network is a Database in order to store, analyse and exchange the in-depth data collected by the different teams. This Database, called the DaCoTA System has been developed within the framework of Task 2.4 starting from the System developed by Safer consortium for the Swedish in-depth investigation activities. The Safer consortium made available its system for free. The System was than updated and improved by CTL according to the DaCoTA WP2 needs and indications. This document describes the DaCoTA system architecture and the opportunity to install a local deployment of the system. There are also detailed system requirements and installation process. Descriptions of the main functionalities are present. It is intended for IT personnel of those partners who want to install a local instance of the information system on their own servers. (Author/publisher)


20151027 ST [electronic version only]

Brussels, European Commission, Directorate General for Mobility and Transport, 2012, 75 p., 13 ref.; Grant Agreement Number TREN/FP7/TR/233659 /"DaCoTA"

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