Road safety : impact of new technologies.


In recent years, there has been rapid and significant development of road transport technologies. These include safety technologies, advanced traveller information systems and convenience and entertainment systems. This report compiles current knowledge on the impacts of these systems on road safety. It is estimated that safety technologies could reduce fatalities and injuries by 40% across the OECD, saving over USD 270 billion per year. These optimistic figures must be tempered, however, by the potential side effects or drawbacks that could result from implementation of new technologies that do not target road safety. In particular, OECD member countries are urged to aggressively resist the unregulated proliferation of technologies that will further distract the driver or otherwise worsen road safety. The report examines deployment challenges and provides recommendations for governments and industry to maximise the safety benefits or new technologies and minimise their drawbacks. (Author/publisher)

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C 32026 [electronic version only] /10 /81 /91 / ITRD E117683

Paris, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD, 2003, 83 p., 22 ref. - ISBN 92-641-0322-8

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