Road safety in Ireland : enforcement is the key.

Fitzpatrick, P. & Nicholson, A.J.

The recently published World Health Organisation strategy document on road safety starts with the startling statistic that over 1.2 million people die each year on the world’s roads and, not surprisingly low- and middle-income countries have much higher road traffic fatality rates than high-income countries. Almost half of those who die on the roads are pedestrians, cyclists or users of motorized ‘two-wheelers’ and this proportion is higher in poorer countries. Road traffic injuries show a steep socioeconomic gradient with those from disadvantaged backgrounds at higher risk than their more affluent counterparts. The economic cost of road crashes is very significant and accounts for 2% of gross national product (GNP) in high-income countries, including Ireland. (Author/publisher)

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20121265 ST [electronic version only]

Irish Medical Journal, Vol. 105 (2012), No. 4 (April), Pp., 3 ref.

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