Road safety: Knowledge, research and policy.

Koornstra, M.J.

The Dutch Institute for Road Safety Research SWOV is one of the very few institutes that is dedicated solely to the safety aspect of road traffic. In the nearly 25 years of its existence SWOV has contributed relatively much to the theoretical notions and methods of analysis. An overview is given of what kinds of research has been carried out during these years and a look into the future is presented to show some policy related topics on risks in traffic safety.

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B 25202 (In: B 25201) /71/72/83/ IRRD 800967

In: The way ahead : recent developments in road safety research. A Liber Amicorum dedicated to Professor Erik Asmussen : proceedings of the International Seminar on Recent Developments in Road Safety Research, held at Koninklijk Conservatorium, The Hague, 20 November 1986, p. 7-12.


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