Road safety Lillehammer : towards Vision Zero.

Godal-Holt, A.

In Norway approximately 300 persons are killed and 1200 are seriously injured in road traffic accidents annually. The level of effort should be high when it comes to saving lives and preventing mutilation. Therefore, in our endeavours towards road safety, we focus on Vision Zero. Vision Zero is our image of a future situation where nobody is killed or seriously injured in road accidents – a difficult goal to reach. Had the goal been a simple one, a vision would not have been required. The Vision should stimulate development of such measures for accident prevention as are required in order to turn this vision into reality. (Author/publisher)

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20051141 hh ST (In: ST 20051141 CD-ROM)

In: Young Researchers Seminar 2005, arranged by European Conference of Transport Research Institutes ECTRI, Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories FEHRL and Forum of European Road Safety Research Institutes (FERSI), The Hague, The Netherlands, 11-13 May 2005, 10 p.

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