Road safety manual : printed version and CD-ROM.


This manual, written by experts of the World Road Association (PIARC), is a basic reference for all transportation engineers concerned about road safety problems. In more than 500 pages, the work presents, in an easy-to-read, easy-to-consult format, an up-to-date summary of the accumulated knowledge of the last several decades. The work is divided into four parts. The first part introduces the reader to the road safety field. The second part describes a complete safety analysis process (from data collection to assessment). The third part explains in detail the relationship between various components of the road and safety (horizontal alignment, vertical alignment, etc.). The fourth part describes all the steps required to complete technical studies (sight distances, spot speed, etc.). Included is a CD-ROM that contains the complete text of the paper versions (French and English) and several programs that make it easier to use the calculation methods described in the manual. It runs on a personal computer. (Author/publisher)

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20041770 ST + CD-ROM

Paris, Association Mondiale de la Route AIPCR / World Road Association PIARC, 2004, XX + 602 p., 432 ref. + CD-ROM; 13.03.B - ISBN 2-84060-158-3

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