A road safety masterplan for Haifa municipality.

Balasha, D. Assif, E. & Hakkert, A.S.

The basic principles for the establishment of a road safety masterplan in Haifa are presented. The aim of such a masterplan is to achieve the appropriate investment policy for improving road safety. Various types of improvements are considered at this stage. Safety improvements can be executed at various budget levels. The masterplan evaluates various levels of investment against their marginal effectiveness in reducing road accidents, in order to achieve an optimal level of investment.

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B 29679 (In: B 29651 [electronic version only]) /81 /82 /83 / IRRD 828546

In: Proceedings of the International Conference on New Ways and Means for Improved Safety, Tel Aviv, Israel, February 20-23, 1989, p. 385-393

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