The Road Safety Monitor 2002 : driver distraction.

Beirness, D.J. Simpson, H.M. & Pak, A.

The Road Safety Monitor is an annual public opinion survey by the Traffic Injury Research Foundation (TIRF) that takes the pulse of the nation on key road safety issues by means of a comprehensive telephone survey of a random, representative sample of Canadian drivers. The results from the inaugural edition of the Road Safety Monitor are being released in a series of reports that cover several key issues – the present report focuses on driver distraction. Results show that driver distraction is of some concern to Canadians – 40% believe it is a serious problem. One particular form of driver distraction – the use of cell phones – is, however, of considerable concern to Canadians -- two-thirds believe cell phone use by drivers is a serious or extremely serious problem. Cell phone use by drivers is a common sight – Canadians witness drivers using cell phones almost as often as they observe drivers speeding. One in five drivers (20%) report having used a cell phone while driving in the past seven days. This means that in the past seven days, 4.3 million Canadians used a cell phone while driving. Most drivers who report using a cell phone do so sparingly – 58% say they spend 10 minutes or less per week on a cell phone while driving. Extensive use of a cell phone (i.e., more than 100 minutes per week) is reported by less than 10% of drivers who say they use a cell phone. Cell phone use by drivers is most common among drivers in the Prairies (26%) and Ontario (23%) and least common among drivers in the Atlantic region (11%). Drivers who use cell phones tend to be male, younger, have a job that requires driving, have higher educational status, and live in an urban area. They also drive more, drink more, are more likely to drive after drinking and to have received a traffic ticket. Taken together, these characteristics are similar to those of high-risk drivers. Half of all respondents strongly agree that there should be a law banning the use of cell phones while driving; less than 10% are strongly opposed to a ban on the use of cell phones while driving. (Author/publisher) See also C 25326.


C 25327 [electronic version only] /83 /

Ottawa, Ontario, Traffic Injury Research Foundation of Canada TIRF, 2002, II + 20 p., 21 ref. - ISBN 0-920071-21-X

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