The Road Safety Risk Manager : software to successfully plan, manage and take action in addressing road safety risk.

McInerney, R.

The ARRB Transport Research and Austroads developed Road Safety Risk Manager will provide authorities with a powerful tool to manage, prioritise and track the status of road safety issues on their networks. The focus of the software is to provide road safety professionals with a tool to proactively assess road safety hazards and treatments for the purpose of prioritising actions. The Road Safety Risk Manager provides users with simple wizards, look-up tables and help functions to assess the risk associated with hazards and treatments, and ultimately calculate a Risk Reduction-Cost Ratio that can be used to prioritise treatments. Following the collection of site information, the tool allows the assessment of individual hazards and treatments in 5-10 minutes. The software also provides a simple way to track the status of any issue or record any actions taken, allowing traceability and transparency in decision making, and assist local governments demonstrate a responsible approach to managing road safety risk. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E208059.

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C 26559 (In: C 26548 [electronic version only]) /82 / ITRD E208070

In: Turning plans into action : Saferoads 2002 : [proceedings of the] Local Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 16-17 July 2002, 6 p.

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