Road safety in southeast Asia : Factors affecting motorcycle safety.

Lindskog, P. & Al-Haji, G.

The purpose of this paper is to give an overview of the road safety situation in the 10 ASEAN countries. In 2004, we carried out an Asian Development Bank/SIDA financed project to improve road safety in these ASEAN countries, using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as the means of education. The focus of this paper is on the safety of motorcyclists, which is analysed using data collected during this project as well as other information and experience gained during this project. This paper also looks into the behaviour and risks concerning motorcyclists. For the covering abstract see ITRD E137120.

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C 49141 (In: C 49130 CD-ROM) /81 / ITRD E137131

In: Measures to assess risk in traffic as reflected by individual test performance, in attitude measurement and by behaviour and interaction : proceedings of the extra workshop on International Cooperation on Theory and Concepts on Traffic Safety of the International Cooperation on Theories and Concepts in Traffic Safety ICTCT, Campo Grande, Brazil, 21-23 March 2005, Pp., 3 ref.

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