Road safety vision 2010: 2001 update.


The adoption of Road Safety Vision 2010 by the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA) and the official endorsement of the new road safety targets by all Ministers of Transportation and Highway Safety in the fall of 2000 provided Canada's road safety community with benchmarks against which to develop new strategies and measure intervention efforts. Previous Road Safety Vision reports introduced the program, outlined successful road safety initiatives implemented in Canada and other leading countries and described the success of the program to date. This report outlines proposed and recently implemented strategies aimed at achieving or surpassing the targets intrinsic to Road Safety Vision 2010. The strategic goals of road safety vision 2010 are to: raise public awareness of road safety issues; improve communication, cooperation and collaboration among road safety agencies; enhance enforcement measures; and improve national road safety data quality and collection. (Author/publisher)

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C 36751 [electronic version only] /10 /80 / ITRD E833939

Montreal, Quebec, Transport Canada, 2002, 20 p.; T 45-1/2001-1E / TP 13347 E - ISBN 0-662-32196-0

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