Road safety for young people in rural NSW.

Henderson, M.

In the 1999-2000 report of the New South Wales Child Death Review Team, it was recommended as follows: that the Motor Accidents Authority, in consultation with other relevant agencies, investigate deaths of children and young people involving motor vehicles. This investigation should focus on fatal incidents that occur in regional and remote locations and continue to develop a range of practical measures to reduce the number of deaths of children and young people involving motor vehicles across NSW. In consequence, the MAA contracted the present author to review relevant data and make recommendations through which the safety of young people on the roads of New South Wales might be enhanced. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract No. E208290.

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C 27235 (In: C 27215 CD-ROM) /83 / ITRD E208310

In: Building on success - making new gains : proceedings of the 6th Local Government Road Safety Conference, Newcastle, NSW, Australia, 6-9 August, 2002, 12 p., 17 ref.

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