Road speed limits : economic effects of allowing more flexibility.


On rural roads the speed that a driver chooses will affect their travel time, vehicle operating costs and crash costs. Recent Austroads valuations of these costs are used in this paper to estimate the total economic cost to society of travelling at different speeds on roads with different crash rates. Critical in this analysis is estimating the change in crash cost that would result from a change in vehicle speeds. This report assumes a 10 kilometre per hour change in average speeds produces a 30 percent change in crash costs based on international evidence. For a hypothetical mix of cars and trucks on a rural road with an average crash cost, the speed that produces the lowest total of travel time cost, vehicle operating cost and crash cost is between 90 and 100 kilometre per hour. On a hypothetical road with a low crash rate (and a crash cost one quarter of the average), the optimum speed is between 110 and 120 kilometre per hour. The paper concludes by suggesting that ITS technology could be used to vary and manage speeds. (Author/publisher)

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C 26403 [electronic version only] /10 /71 / ITRD E210242

Canberra, ACT, Australian Government, Department of Transport and Regional Services, Bureau of Transport and Regional Economics BTRE, 2003, 10 p.; BTRE Working Paper ; No. 59 - ISSN 1440-9707 / ISBN 1-877081-38-8

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