Road traffic accidents : epidemiology, control and prevention.

Norman, L.G.

Among all types of accidents-in the home, in places of work (e.g., mines and industries), at play (e.g.,sports) and elsewhere-those cause by motor vehicles claim the largest toll of life and tend toe the most serious. The present study of road traffic accidents by Dr. L.G. Norman, Chief Medical Officer of the London Transport Executive, is an outgrowth of the interest in this problem that was aroused by the 1961 World Health Day with its theme, Accidents and Their Prevention". As the first in a series of studies that will deal with the various kinds of accidents from the epidemiological, etiological and preventive points of view, it is review of the latest information on the subject, intended not only for public health authorities but for transport authorities, teachers, citizens' groups, and the many other categories of workers concerned with the promotion of safety on the roads.


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Geneva, World Health Organization (WHO), 1962, 110 p., ref.; Public Health Papers 1962 - 12

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