Road traffic coordination by electronic trading.

Iwanowski, S. Spering, W. & Coughlin, W.J.

This paper presents several market-based techniques for road traffic coordination. In particular, the question is addressed how to make it more attractive for traffic individuals to follow the suggestions of a coordination system. The presented techniques share a common principle: Drivers participate in a voluntary pool of users into which they pay and from which they receive money according to their usage of roads. The amount of payment is determined by a predefined electronic trading mechanism and the individual trading behavior of respective software units representing each individual driver. This paper compares three different trading mechanisms. The presented techniques are advantageous for the applications dynamic route assignment and individual road clearance.

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C 33444 (In: C 26095 CD-ROM) /73 / ITRD E829882

In: ITS - Transforming the future : proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems ITS, Sydney, Australia, 30 September - 4 October 2001, 13 p.

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