Road traffic injuries : a neglected pandemic.

Mohan, D.

Road traffic injuries (RTIs) are the only public health problem for which society and decision-makers still accept death and disability among young people on a large scale. This human sacrifice is deemed necessary to maintain high levels of mobility and is seen as a justifiable externality of doing business: the only discussion revolves around the number of deaths and injuries that are acceptable. The sole departure from this mode of thinking is “Vision Zero”, a campaign that originated in Sweden with the aim that eventually no one would be killed or seriously injured on the roads. In October 1997, the Road Traffic Safety Bill founded on Vision Zero was passed by a large majority in the Swedish Parliament but, even in Sweden, the believers are few. (Author/publisher)

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C 27464 [electronic version only]

Bulletin of the World Health Organization, Vol. 81 (2003), No. 9, p. 684-685

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