Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 : Chapter 27.


Traffic signs, signals, and road markings are the key method for communicating with the road user and need to be simple and concise so as to be easily understood. Proper use of signs is vital to their effectiveness in terms of guiding or regulating. Over-provision of signs can have a detrimental impact on the environment and can dilute more important messages if they result in information overload for drivers. Signing the Way, the outcome of the Department’s major review of traffic signs policy, sets out the new policy framework for the traffic sign system in Great Britain. Minimising the impact of traffic signs on the environment is a key priority. This leaflet, one of the early deliverables in Signing the Way, gives practical advice on reducing sign clutter. It emphasises that designers should use their engineering judgement and local knowledge to complement guidance to ensure signing solutions are effective. For new schemes, the aim should be to design clutter out from the start. It is based on research carried out as part of the traffic signs policy review on Reducing Traffic Sign Clutter. (Author/publisher) This leaflet may be accessed by Internet users at

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20130099 ST [electronic version only]

London, Department for Transport, 2012, 251 p.; Document Generated: 2012-12-13

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