Road traffic statistics Great Britain 1997 edition.

Davies, V. Lees, A. Broadley, S. & Arulanandam, A.

This bulletin presents data on road traffic in Great Britain for the year 1997 and in some cases for earlier years.. It provides a picture of road traffic patterns, how they are changing, what road transport is used for, what it costs and its effect on the environment. It draws, mainly, on the results of the Department of Transport's national traffic survey, but also includes information from other sources. A section on international comparisons is included to give a wider picture of how Great Britain compares with other European Union countries. (Author/publisher)

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C 26190 [electronic version only] /70 /81 /

London, The Stationery Office TSO, 1997, 68 p., 19 ref.; Transport statistics report - ISBN 0-11-551930-0

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