Road traffic statistics for Great Britain : 2002.


This report presents data on road traffic in Great Britain for the year 2002 and in some cases for earlier years. The figures for 1993 to 2002 have been calculated on a different basis from years prior to 1993. It provides a picture of road traffic patterns, how they are changing, and what road transport is used for, what it costs, and how it affects the environment. It draws mainly on the results of the national travel survey of the Department for Transport (DfT). A glossary describing vehicle types, road classes and measures of traffic is provided. There are sections of statistical tables, charts, and commentary including: (1) road traffic by vehicle type 1955-2002; (2) year on year change in road traffic by vehicle type 1994-2002; (3) motor vehicle traffic by road class 1955-2002; (4) motor vehicle flow by road class (1955-2002); (5) motor vehicle flows for major sections of motorway network (2002); (6) seasonal, daily, and hourly fluctuations in traffic; (7) traffic distribution by day of week and by time of day (2002); (8) road lengths by road class (1955-2002); (9) road lengths per head of population (2002); (10) goods vehicle traffic by axle configuration and road class (2002); and (11) average goods vehicle weights (2002).

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C 26795 [electronic version only] /70 / ITRD E118475

London, Department for Transport, 2003, 34 p., 17 ref.; Transport Statistics Bulletin ; SB (03) 26

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