Road transport deregulation, experience, evaluation, research

proceedings of the International Conference, November 2-4 1988, Paris = Déreglementation des transports routiers, experience, évaluation, recherche

Seminar T9 was designed to enable participants to exchange information on the current and new scientific issues raised by monitoring and analyzing the effects of deregulation policies in the road transport sector and national economies as a whole. In the context of the Seminar, deregulation was understood as the implementation of a policy and technical measures designed for raising the level of competition in the road transport sector. Sessions I, IIA, and IIIA were devoted to goods transportation. Sessions IIB and IIIB addressed passenger transportation (intercity bus services). The final session, Session IV, was a roundtable discussion of deregulation and the 1992 European single market perspective. (A)

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Paris, Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Economiques OCDE OECD / Arcueil, Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et leur Sécurité INRETS, 1988, 350 p., 72 ref.

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