Road transport informatics RTI/intelligent vehicle highway system IVHS on European highways.

Boesefeldt, J. & Neuherz, M.

This paper surveys the extensive European programmes of research and development on road transport informatics (RTI) and intelligent vehicle highway information systems (IVHS), and outlines many of their specific projects. All these programmes aim to: (1) increase road safety; (2) reduce environmental impacts of road traffic; and (3) provide a more efficient road infrastructure. The PROMETHEUS/PRO-GEN programme, based on European car manufacturers' initiatives, concentrates on in-car systems and safety. The now completed European Community (EC) DRIVE I programme focused on the further development and testing of new route guidance and information technologies. The EC's DRIVE II/ATT II/ATT programme is concerned with the implementation and testing of integrated systems in various test sites. Its major areas are: (1) demand management; (2) traffic and travel information; (3) integrated urban traffic management; (4) integrated inter-urban traffic management; (5) driver assistance and cooperative driving; (6) freight and fleet management; and (7) public transport. The paper outlines its goals and projects in areas (2) and (4). The EURO-TRIANGLE project is a pilot application of advanced traffic management (ATM) in three Belgian and German regions.

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C 6211 (In: C 6202) /72 /73 / IRRD 869975

In: Compendium of technical papers presented at the 63rd annual Institute of Transportation Engineers ITE meeting, The Hague, The Netherlands, September 19-22, 1993, p. 44-48, 3 ref.

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