Road trauma in the region: avoiding a pandemic.

Johnston, I.

Roads are a vital component of the economic and social development of modern nations. The provision of all-weather roads from farms to markets acts as a catalyst to economic growth. Larger and larger areas of nations are opened up to viable mining and agriculture and new cities evolve to service the needs of the regional communities. Within metropolises, road transport permits greater efficiencies in manufacturing, for example facilitating just in time production and distribution systems. Roads are also a critical element of poverty alleviation programs. Breaking the poverty cycle requires access to schools, to jobs and to a range of community facilities, such as health services. In short, the development of road infrastructure and the evolution of modern road transport systems is essential to mankind's development. (a) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E214938.

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C 46607 (In: C 46558 CD-ROM) /81 /83 / ITRD E214887

In: On the road to the future : 12th REAAA conference, Philippines, 2006 technical papers, Philippine International Convention Center (PICC), Manila, November 20-24, 2006, 11 p., 5 ref.

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