Road use conflicts : tolling strategies to preserve accessibility.

Raux, C. & Andan, O.

It is not sufficient to state that road-user charging is the best instrument to address congestion situations in various locations and at various times. When facing practical implementation of road policies one should be aware of the diversity of categories of road users and of the corresponding accessibility objectives that may be pursued by public authorities, according to constraints of financing, environment and equity. Here are analysed the elements of a road tolling strategy offering the potentialities of adequate differentiation, according to exit and entrance points in the system, the routes in the network and the periods of road use. Finally the practical feasibility of such a strategy of demand management is shown on an example combining the access by corridors in an urban network of multiple bypass rings. (A)

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C 17536 (In: C 17522) /10 /73 / ITRD E105216

In: Proceedings of the 8th world conference on transport research WCTR, Antwerp, July 12-17, 1998, Volume 2: planning, operation, management and control, p. 353-366, 13 ref.

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