RIDE is a VicRoads ITS initiative to manage and disseminate road and traffic network information. Currently the information consists of speed/volume/occupancy data from the VicRoads' metropolitan freeway network, current messages on variable and trip message signs, location of road accidents, planned maintenance works, ice station warnings, weather information and fault alarms from traffic signals and other electronic roadside devices. Traffic signal data is extracted from the SCATS dynamic adaptive area traffic control system. RIDE is a three-tier application consisting of a graphical user interface, an intermediate server and the VicRoads' Motorway Management System and Roadworks database. Other key components of the system are SCATS and the Traffic Control and Communications Centre facilities. Information is transmitted either continuously or on demand. All traffic data is available in real time and the Roadworks and Accident information is available as soon as it is entered. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E208431.