Road Users’ Satisfaction Survey 2002. A report to the Highways Agency by MVA Limited.

MVA Limited

The Highway Agency maintains, operates and improves the motorway and trunk road network in England. In doing so, it supports the Government's integrated transport and land use planning policies, thus helping sustainable development. It aims to constantly improve its service to road users and other customers. The Road Users’ Satisfaction Survey 2002 measures awareness of and satisfaction with the Agency's services nation-wide. It is the fifth such survey commissions by the Agency among a representative sample of the population. This is a summary of the main findings of the survey and includes comparisons with previous surveys where appropriate. (Author/publisher)

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C 26224 [electronic version only] /70 /21 /10 /60 / ITRD E126921

London, Highways Agency, 2002, 41 p.

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