Roads to the future : new concepts for road infrastructure.

Koeleman, M. Maagdenberg, A.C. Kooij, J. van der Velzen, G.A. van Bochove, G.G. van Wilms, K.P. Naus, R.W.M. & Poot, S.

Roads to the Future (WnT) is an innovation programme run by the Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management. The programme provides fixed future incentives for solutions to accessibility problems in consultation and cooperation with external partners, such as interest groups, experts and road users. The Public Works Department is the routine driving force behind WnT, where cooperation takes place between four specialist departments, the head office, regional divisions and policy divisions of the Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management. Consultation and cooperation with external partners, unconventional forms of working and creativity are the key concepts for WnT. For the covering abstract see ITRD E120462.

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C 28731 (In: C 28674) /21 / ITRD E120519

In: Urban transport IX : urban transport and the environment in the 21st century : proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Urban Transport and the Environment in the 21st Century, Crete, Greece, 10 - 12 March 2003, p. 579-588, 2 ref.

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