Roadsafe : the motor industry's contribution to making our roads safer.

Walsh, A.

The motor industry's approach to improving road safety in the UK and at an international level is described. The social responsibility of the car industry to improving road safety is explained. The contributions of seatbelts, the European New Car Assessment Programme and the European Commission and European Automobile Manufacturers Association agreement on targets for pedestrian protection to road safety are outlined. Advances in tyre technology and in lighting systems are described. The importance of safety and the vehicle are highlighted by the number of questions available in the new UK Theory test. For the covering abstract see ITRD E119888. This paper may also be accessed by Internet users at:

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C 27815 (In: C 27801 CD-ROM) /91 / ITRD E119902

In: Safer driving : reducing risks, crashes & casualties : proceedings of the 68th RoSPA Road Safety Congress, Blackpool, 3-5 March 2003, 13 p.

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