Roadside safety features and landscape and environmental design. A peer-reviewed publication of the Transportation Research Board TRB.

Laker, I.B. Naylor, A.W. Yang, W.-S. ... [et al.]

The first nine papers in this Record were presented in sessions entitled "Roadside safety features, parts 1 and 2" during the 1993 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. These papers are followed by three papers presented in a session entitled "Highway aesthetics and the enhancement provisions of ISTEA: looking to the future and lessions from the past".

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941344 ST S

Washington, D.C., National Research Council NRC, Transportation Research Board TRB / National Academy Press, 1993, V + 133 p., 119 ref.; Transportation Research Record TRR ; No. 1419 - ISSN 0361-1981 / ISBN 0-309-05567-9

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