Roadside survey of nocturnal drinking drivers in Ohio.

Meyers, A.R. Perrine, M.W. & Foss, R.D.

This paper summarises the research methods and selected results of the Vermont Alcohol Research Center's roadside surveys of nocturnal drinking drivers in Ohio, USA. Weather permitting, roadside research was conducted on all non-holiday weekends in the warmer half of the year (approximately May to October) in 1990-92. Data were collected simultaneously by two research teams, first between 10am and midnight, then between 12.30am and 3am. Survey sites were selected with concerns for public safety and sufficient traffic flow for a reasonable number of respondents. Participation by stopped drivers was voluntary. Questions were asked about age, education, trip origin and destination, perceived risks of arrest for drunken driving, and whether any alcohol had been consumed during the preceding 12 hours. A breath test and a battery of field sobriety tests were then administered. Table 1 indicates various personal characteristics of the sample. Figure 2 shows the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) distribution, as compared with that of a 1986 national survey. Figure 3 shows the percentages of drivers found over the legal alcohol limit in 1990 and 1991, according to various predictors. The roadside surveys appeared to provide accurate BAC profiles of late night drivers.

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C 10465 (In: C 10387 [electronic version only]) /83 / IRRD 866707

In: Alcohol, drugs and traffic safety : proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety T92, held under the auspices of the International Committee on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety ICADTS, Cologne, Germany, 28 September - 2 October 1992, Band 2, p. 1104-1109, 3 ref.

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