Roadway and roadside design for enhancing mobilitity and safety.

Schoon, C.C.

Safety barriers are often used on motorways. Accident figures, however, show that a safety barrier is involved in approximately 20% of all fatal accidents. This paper considers safety barriers within the context of safe designs for shoulders on motorways. This research is related to the European situation and has formed the basis for Dutch standards.

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980848 b3 ST (In: ST 980848 b S)

In: Proceedings of the conference `Traffic Safety on two Continents', Lisbon, Portugal, September 22-24, 1997, VTI konferens 9A, Part 2, p. 33-44, 13 ref.; Also published as: Leidschendam, SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research, 1998, 17 + 8 p., 13 ref.; D-97-20 (ST 980113)


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