Roadway delineation practices handbook.

Fullerton, I.J.

In the context of this Handbook, roadway delineation is defined as a system of devices and or/markings--excluding signs and signals--that regulate, warn, or provide tracking information and guidance to the driver. Intended primarily for use by various levels of design, traffic, and maintenance engineering personnel, the Roadway Delineation Practices Handbook provides practical assistance guidelines in the proper application of available delineation systems. Although not intended to be a state-of-the-art report, the handbook does provide an overview of current developments in the area of roadway delineation techniques. Major topics within the handbook include "Painted Markings," "Thermoplastic and Other Durable Markings," "Raised Pavement Markers," "Post Delineators" and "Administrative and Management Considerations." Contained within the discussion of each category of delineation techniques is a discussion of issues relating to uses, materials, application procedures, service life, and maintenance. One of the primary functions of the handbook is to offer guidance for implementing the provisions of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices concerning roadway delineation. (Author/publisher)

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Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, Federal Highway Administration FHWA, 1981, VIII + [156] p., 62 ref.; FHWA-IP-81-5

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