Role and function of transit in growth management : current issues in Florida.

Miller, C. Coomer, D. & Jameson, R.

This paper explores how transit influences, or fails to influence, growth in florida and looks at ways to improve the role of transit planning in the growth management process. Needless to say, growth management is a significant concern in florida. The issues discussed are presented in the context of the florida experience. The transferability of this work is limited to the extent that some of the issues may not be relevant in areas where growth is not occurring. However, it is hoped that many will find the material instructive and helpful.

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C 18982 (In: C 18974 S) /72 / IRRD 834605

In: Congestion, land use, growth management, and transportation planning, Transportation Research Record TRR 1237, p. 64-76, 9 ref.

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