The role of the doctor.

Bevan, J.S.

The paper opens with a brief review of some of the normal physiological changes that occur as a person ages. The older driver is considered from the viewpoint of the doctor and the help that the medical profession can provide. Maintaining the health and skills of the driver are the responsibilities of the doctor. In particular, doctors can provide more definite advice about driving, create a greater awareness of the effects of prescribed drugs, and recommend vision and, if indicated, hearing tests. When the time comes to consider stopping driving, the doctor has a responsibility to advise the patient. In cases of uncertainty, doctors can obtain confidential advice from the medical department at DVLA. The paper concludes with a look into the future and offers some sugestions as to how to prevent the problems of ageing occurring too young.

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C 9488 (In: C 9482 [electronic version only]) /83 / IRRD 862133

In: Older road users : the role of government and the professions : proceedings of a one-day conference held at the Royal Society of Arts, London, 19 November 1993, p. 67-71, 1 ref.

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