The role of empirical data for transport policy analysis.

Ampt, E. Richarson, A.J. & Brög, W.

Transport policy analysis requires appropriate analytical techniques for the investigation of social, economic and environmental impacts. The use of such techniques requires a balanced approach to the development of transport system models and the collection and analysis of empirical data collection techniques and third generation demand modelling to the assessment of changes occurring as a result of the extension of a tram route in Northern suburbs of Melbourne. How such analysis can be used to develop and assess the potential impact of various policy options using the concepts of situational groups and dimensions is demonstrated.

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B 28050 (In: B 28025) /72 / IRRD 277721

In: 10th Australian Transport Research Forum, Melbourne 13-15 May, 1985, Volume II, p. 275-292, 6 ref.

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