The role of the highway environment in accident reconstruction.

Van Wagoner, W.T.

The high-way environment is an integral part of high-way safety from the standpoints of collision causation and severity-increasing factors. Highway designers are faced with the problem of providing highway safety without sufficient information about the compatibility of current design standards 'with either driver or vehicle factors. This paper identifies the problems faced by the road- way designer, and gives suggestions for solving these problems with real-world road-way performance data.

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B 24924 (In: B 24915) /82/85/ IRRD 286468

In: Field accidents: Data collection, analysis, methodologies, and crash injury reconstructions-SAE-P-159. International Congress & Exposition, Detroit, Michigan, February 25 - March 1, 1985; p.89-104, 26 fig., 3 tab., 31 ref. SAE 850095.

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