The role of risk analysis in the evaluation of fitness to drive.

Spencer, M.B.

This report reviews the role of risk analysis in the evaluation of fitness to drive. It also provides guidance on the studies that are required to gather the information on which a risk-based assessment can be based. The two stages in the application of risk analysis to the decision-making process are discussed. The first is concerned with the assessment or estimation of risk, the second with the management of risk and the definition of the level of risk that can be tolerated. Changes in the medical criteria for fitness to drive are considered with reference both to the risks associated with a single individual or group of individuals and to the overall accident rate. Examples are provided from epilepsy and hypoglycaemia. (Author/publisher)

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C 29610 [electronic version only]

London, Department for Transport (DfT), 2003, 27 p., 17 ref.; Road Safety Research Report ; No. 40 - ISSN 1468-9138

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