The role of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe in the development of a whole European Transport System.

Dente, G.

In considering the formation of a pan-European transport system, the author first examines recent political changes in Europe and increasing concern about the environment. The role of the UN Economic Commission for Europe in the field of transport is then examined. Formed over 40 years ago, work is carried out through 13 standing intergovernmental bodies which report to the Inland Transport Committee. During this time the Inland Transport Committee has been responsible for new and improved infrastructure, harmonising technical regulations and the setting up of standard border procedures. It is envisaged that in future activities will be expanded to include organising East-West transfer of know-how, developing information systems and projects on East-West infrastructure links. Infrastructure projects and regulatory controls with which the ECE has been involved are discussed in more detail. Studies undertaken into transport policy and economics are also outlined. It is concluded that the ECE, the Inland Transport Committee and its expert groups offer a well-oiled mechanism to tackle the challenges of pan-European transport.

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C 14369 (In: C 14367 S) /72 / IRRD 853517

In: Prospects for East-West European Transport : proceedings of the international seminar, Paris, December 6-7, 1990, p. 43-74, 1 ref.

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