Roundabouts : safe for cyclists too ?

Minnen, J. van

The Dutch Ministry of Transport has asked the SWOV to conduct a research project investigating the safety of new roundabouts in the Netherlands, with special attention focused on cyclists and moped drivers. Aside from a study of the literature, the project sections will consist of a theoretical study, before and after studies at several locations and a comparison of accident data. In recent years, over 100 roundabouts have been built in the Netherlands, primarily in the built up area. They are characterised by their small dimensions, pure circular design, narrow carriageway - as well as narrow and radially oriented approach roads - and right of way for traffic on the roundabout. This layout and priority regulation results in low speeds, intended to achieve optimum safety. Ideally, this should benefit cyclists and crossing pedestrians as well. Although capacity was considered to be of secondary importance, results have been most satisfactory; combined with its small dimensions, it has given the roundabout a broad area of application. Various solutions were created for cyclists: separate cycle paths, where right of way is usually given to motorised traffic, or a special cycle lane on the roundabout. The project is particularly concerned with the safety of cyclists and moped drivers, also in relation to the options available. Early results have indicated a good safety level for motorised traffic. The current study should determine which solutions are most suitable for cyclists and moped drivers. Again, a report on the initial findings of this project will be presented.

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C 787 (In: C 766 [electronic version only]) /82 / IRRD 844263

In: Traffic management and road safety : proceedings of seminar G (P334) held at the 18th PTRC European Transport and Planning Summer Annual Meeting, University of Sussex, England, September 10-14, 1990, p. 247-258, 5 ref.


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