Route 3 : planning of Hong Kong's new expressway to China.

Butler, D.R.

Hong Kong's economy is growing fast and is diversifying. Its position in the region as a centre for commerce, trade and manufacture is increasing rapidly. Its container port serving much of southern China is, in terms of throughput, the largest in the world. City communities for three million of Hong Kong's six million population, a new airport and further container terminals are being developed in the New Territories. Hong Kong's transport system is having to be expanded rapidly to serve the traffic being generated. Route 3 is a strategic route for traffic between China, the northwest New Territories and the main urban areas of Tsuen Wan, Kowloon and Hong Kong Island. It will connect into the developing expressway system the developing expressway system of China's Guandong Province. It will serve Hong Kong's Container Port and major industrial areas at Kwai Chung and the new airport and port facilities planned for the west of the territory. The feasibility of the route, which is about 40km long, has been established. It is a difficult route with many natural and man-made constraints to overcome. Multi-lane bored tunnels, long span bridges and immersed tube tunnels are planned. Route 3 is envisaged to require between 6 and 10 traffic lanes in various sections. Because of the intensity of traffic, closely spaced complex interchanges will be required. Some sectors may be subject to toll and possible privatisation. Design and implementation are expected to commence in 1990. (A)

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C 6650 (In: C 6625) /21 /72 / IRRD 823285

In: Proceedings of the sixth conference of the Road Engineering Association of Asia and Australasia (REAAA), Kuala Lumpur, 4-10 March, 1990 : Volume 3, Session 12, Paper 3, 19 p., 1 ref.

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