Route choice behavioural models analysis of a route guidance system for a congested urban area (II).

Carrese, S. Fusco, G. & Gori, S.

Route Guidance System is a technology developed for facing efficiently traffic problems in congested urban areas. Final goals of the authors' research include the development of an Expert System prototype in order to simulate an on-vehicle Information System behaviour with the following characteristics: (1) route choice according to the personal user criterion; (2) capability of managing sudden critical situations (congestion, accidents, work in progress) by showing real-time alternative routes on the surrounding network; and (3) route choice according to the on-board disposability of an Information System, perfectly updated about the road network conditions and other user services as parking availability. This report focusses on a methodology for the analysis of the behaviour of road users in selecting a route. The examination of a driver's choice regarding the accomplishment of a journey shows four main elements in the choice mechanism: (1) the time of choice; (2) the choice criterion; (3) the source of information; and (4) the information processing system.

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C 6446 (In: C 6392 d S) /71 /73 / IRRD 866373

In: Proceedings of the conference Road safety in Europe, Berlin, Germany, September 30 - October 2, 1992, VTI rapport 380A, Part 4, p. 71-88, 26 ref.

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