Route choice modeling of cyclists in Toronto

Grond, K.A.

This thesis builds on a growing body of research that seeks to understand how the physical and environmental attributes of the road network influence cyclists’ route choice. Better understanding of the costs and benefits of physical infrastructure can be used by planners to prioritize investment in cycling facilities. The thesis uses a high quality GPS dataset of bike trips recorded by the City of Toronto's cycling app between August 23 and September 23, 2015. Trip route characteristics are obtained by matching the GPS traces to a detailed GIS network dataset of road attributes. A path-size multinomial logit model is used to assess the utility of cycling facilities and the costs of road features, such as high traffic volumes, steep hills and turns at busy intersections. The study also examines the route variation based on demographic characteristics and attitudes of cyclists.

VII + 63
20220343 ST [electronic version only]

Master Thesis University of Toronto

Gepubliceerd door
University of Toronto, Toronto

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