Routeplanning en- geleiding: een literatuurstudie.

Janssen, W.H.

This report contains an evaluation of the literature dealing with the formal components of route guidance systems that could function optimally from a user's point of view. A distinction must be made between: A) route planning, that is, the generation of alternative routes and the selection of one among them; B) the development of the resulting pattern of expectancies; C0 route guidance proper (during a trip). Only incidentally does the literature present significant information on these aspects of route planning and guidance. Hardly ever is there a systematic body of psychological knowledge of these processes. There fore the report concludes with recommendations for empirical research thatcould fill the gaps identified in the literature.

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B 15243 S [electronic version only] / 73 / IRRD 242938

Soesterberg, Instituut voor Zintuigfysiologie IZF TNO, 1979, 51 p., graph., tab., ref.; Rapport No. IZF 1979- C 13

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