ROV : plakmiddel tussen stad en regio.

Buffing, A.H.M. Mouwen, A.M.T. & Poelstra, E.H.

Public transport is on the move. On national as well as on regional and local level public transport is in the flood light. In all reports, planning notes, structure schemes and scenario's public transport is given an important role to decrease the car use. But then the quality of regional public transport lines should be better linked with urban public transport. The public transport in and around Amsterdam is subject of this paper. Possibilities for integrating existing railway- networks and infrastructure in the public transport network are discussed.

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B 29304 (In: B 29301 [electronic version only]) /21 /72 / IRRD 825705

In: Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk 1989, Deel I: Themabijdragen, p. 43-62, 12 ref.

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