Ruimtelijk ordeningsbeleid ter versterking van het gebruik van rail-infrastructuur.

Vliet, J.M.C. van

The new spatial planning policy of the central government presents new urbanisations to be realized before the year 2005. This paper discusses a number of questions such as: the quality of the environment; public participation for provisions in the infrastructure and public transport; an increase in the operating costs; limiting new infrastructural constructions; and the construction of labour-intensive companies near the railway stations.

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C 6055 (In: C 6025) /10 /15 /72 / IRRD 884123

In: Openbaar Vervoer Colloquium 1995 : commercialisering : bundeling van bijdragen van het colloquium gehouden te Utrecht op 16 juni 1995, p. 329-337, 5 ref.

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