Rules of the road rated.

Kearney, E.F.

State traffic laws are compared with the Uniform Vehicle Code (UVC) as of 1 January 1977, and are rated by their compliance to the Code. Numerical scores are assigned for compliance with each of the 13 articles in the "rules of the road" chapter of the code; data are tabulated. The traffic laws of Colorado, Delaware, and Pennsylvania were extensively revised in 1974. There are no substantial differences between the Uniform Vehicle Code and the traffic laws of five states: Georgia, Kansas, North Dakota, Pennsylvania and Washington.

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B 14206 /73.3/ IRRD 217633

Washington, D.C., National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, 1977, 31 p., tab., ref.; Traffic Laws Commentary, 1977, Vol. 6, No. 5 / DOT HS 802 630

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