Run-off-road collision avoidance countermeasures using IVHS countermeasures, Task 2. Volume 2: support data.

Pierowicz, J.A. Pomerleau, D.A. Hendricks, D.L. Bollman, E.S. & Schmitt, N.J.

The Run-Off-Road Collision Avoidance Using IVHS Countermeasures program is to address the single vehicle crash problem through application of technology to prevent and/or reduce the severity of these crashes. This volume contains a summary of the data used to develop the run-off-road collision taxonomy and functional goals for run-off-road collision countermeasures. A summary sheet is provided for each case, containing basic information about the case, as well as data on the time it took for the vehicle to depart the roadway. The methods used to calculate these departure times is also provided. An accident collision diagram is included for each case with a superimposed timeline. The timeline depicts interpolated times for each known vehicle position during the run-off-road crash sequence. Also included in this volume are descriptions of countermeasure functional goals applied to the causal factor groupings of these cases. (Author/publisher)

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C 50615 [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, 1995, III + 209 p.; DOT HS 808 500

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